Charlie has learned how to stand up and pump on his bike. He is very proud of himself.
I did both of these layouts using Carena's newest kit, Ethan. It is a fantastic kit for young boys, big boys, and so much more. You'll find it at Digital Scrap Garden.
Fantastic! Wonderful Valentine elements, papers and word art in the February collab kit at Digiscrapaganza! Hugs and Kisses February Collab kit by ScrapShana, Tami and Bec's Bits. With a $5 purchase of any other item in the store at Digiscrapaganza, you get this super collab kit FREE. It is a must have for your Valentine scrapping.
Isn't this a lovely kit? It is New Beginnings by Karen Wallace and it is available at Digital Scrap Garden. Karen was giving this away to any Goofy Dork that would vote for Ladybug to be "interviewed" by everyone. We do have fun at Digital Scrap Garden. I have gone wild with it. Here are the layouts I have done with it, so far.
Retired in '03. Four years later, I discovered digiscrapping and fell head over heels in love with it. My main scrapping subject is my one and only grandchild, whom I have called Sunshine since the day he was born for he truly lights up my world. In addition to digiscrapping I am an avid family history researcher. The rest of the time I have my head stuck in good book.